Mise en Scene
Our audience feedback concerning the mise en scene was that it suited our overall concept, and the we were able to incorporate things withing the mise en scene that really emphasized our story. Certain people said that the wasn't variation in the scenery e.g no outside shouts, various locations. However certain people believed that it suited our title "restricted", and the whole sense of a lack of knowledge therefore giving us the capability of getting the information in segments rather than all at one, once again relating back to our mise en scene which is restricted yet still giving you a sense of location. Another criticism was that it didn't really allow people to feel as if they could possibly relate to the area as it wasn't a home or or an open location. Furthermore something else that some of the audiences liked was the props used e.g the box, and the lights, the holes, etc. In addition they said that they liked the way the light just seeps through the cracks, and really highlights certain areas of the box, creating a "mysterious and suspenseful feeling".
Our audience feedback concerning the cinematography was quite varied; this was because of the fact that people liked the various angles we used to capture the characters within the thriller, such as high, slanted angles. In addition they liked the POV perspective due to the fact that it was original and it "allowed the emotions of the character to be conveyed onto the audience". A slight complaint was that people believed the section with the person in the box wasn't varied enough, and merely consisted of just him staying in the box for and extensive period of time. It was suggested that we try and vary the shots more with the close up of the eyes, and a variation of shots inside the box, to give a greater sense of location.
Our feedback concerning the editing wasn't that extensive. However one of the comments was that the tints added to the film made the seem more eerie and it was also made it seems more thriller like. In addition they said that it was rather smooth, and fluid from scene to scene, as well as a variety of different editing techniques, such as shot reverse shot etc.
The titles were quite a significant problem due to the fact that people believed that our original typography didn't suit the whole concept of a thriller. In addition they believed the tech effects seemed far to action like instead of being mysterious, and thriller like. Furthermore they believed that it seemed to clean and slick, rather than being more rigid, and also they were refereed to as being "cliche and tacky". In addition the clarity of the titles was quite poor due to the fact that they were placed in very hard to see places, as well as the color being dull and boring. However one of the good criticisms was that people said it required a lot of technical skill, and it was great in terms of technical aspects. Some of the suggestions made by the audience were that maybe we should try and have title that were more clean cut in order to portray this sense of restriction, however avoid making them seem boring. In addition it was suggested that we change the place in which they were placed due to fact that the are seemed to far away from the beginning, as well as being in placed in sections of the thriller were the titles are indistinct.
The music went down quite well and very little negative comments were made. One of those included that the music at certain aspects had too high a pitch at points were you'd expect the music to be a lot less dramatic, but more calm. However one of the good criticisms was that the music was well put together, and then actually fit the thriller as a whole because it was a mysterious yet tension building soundtrack, and ostensibly pleasing to the ears. However once again it wasn't always in time with the film, and therefore seemed rushed and uncompleted at points. It was suggested that we revise the music and try to make it seem less dramatic at certain sections as well as making it suit the more calm yet tension building.
Conventions of a thriller
Some of the conventions that people believed were incorporated into the were a sense of mystery and restriction, as well as a sense of realism due to the fact that there are houses and building, and a very localized area, which allows the audience to relate to it better. In addition people believed that we played upon a sense of restricted narration, which inevitably created enigma codes, causing the audience to ponder the possibilities of our narrative. However one of the problems were that people believed that our narrative was too restricted meaning that people weren't able to understand the plot as very little information concerning the narrative wasn't given. Some suggestions that were made
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